Tali Simpul Negeri Foundation collaborates with many parties - forming a learning partnership and coordinating networks in disaster response activities in this country.

Disaster Response and Relief Action

Tali Simpul Negeri Foundation is also directly involved in disaster response and relief activities in affected areas.

Flash Flood Disaster Response, Luwu

Tali Simpul Negeri Foundation was directly involved in the Flash Flood disaster response activities in Luwu, South Sulawesi. The distribution of aid was given to isolated areas that needed logistics. The Foundation collaborated with the Operational Assistance Team and local residents for distribution to temporary refugee camps.

Search for Clean Water at Disaster Sites, Lombok

Tali Simpul Negeri Foundation was directly involved in the response to the disbursement of raw water sources in the Lombok disaster. Clean water drilling was carried out around the aid post.

Basic Training for Disaster Response Volunteers

Tali Simpul Negeri Foundation initiated free training activities for Disaster Response Volunteers involving several communities that are part of learning partners and coordination networks. The training was conducted to strengthen the capacity of Disaster Response Volunteers to be able to prepare themselves effectively in disaster areas.

Training and simulation activities are carried out with the guidance of instructors and presenters from several organizations and communities related to their respective fields of expertise.